Original Painting

David Shepherd


david shepherd original, Zebra, Africa
Original Oil Painting on Canvas
Image size:- 16in x 9in (40cm x 23cm)
oil on canvas, signed and dated 1997.

Overall size with frame 21.5" x 15" (55cm x 38cm.)

Zebras dazzling stripes make them among the most recognisable mammals.
They have been featured in art and stories in Africa and beyond.
Zebras are primarily grazers and can subsist on lower-quality vegetation.
Historically, they have been highly sought after by exotic animal collectors, but unlike horses and donkeys, zebras have never been truly domesticated.
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artist L.S.Lowry.
Sir William Russell Flint.
There are also a number of signed limited edition prints of paintings from Britanny, The Loire, Ardeche, Provence.
We have for sale several original paintings from the south west France, near to the beautiful towns of Brantome and Perigueux and also Languedoc
His work has now become regarded as some of the finest watercolour paintings in the world.
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