David Shepherd Originals, Paintings.
David Shepherd
All the paintings below are for sale.... We have the largest collection of David Shepherd originals in the UK, and our prices are extremely competitive...

The Blue Door

Louis Watkins

Wadi Hadhramaut

Large Woodland Landscape

Oil painting

Pencil Drawing

Tiger's head

Lion Cub
Original painting

Baby Gorilla

Landscape with Farm Buildings
Original Painting

Study of Clouds and Sunlight
Original Painting

Thatched Cottages, Wherwell
Original Painting

Original Painting

Beauchamp Place, London
Original Painting

Brompton Square, London

Landscape with Oaks

Old Street


Evening Light

Lion (original)


Tiger's head drawing

Elephants drawing

The Curio shop

Hippos I

Oil painting

Tiger's head drawing
David Shepherd Paintings and Originals artwork for sale
The images above are original oil paintings and pencil drawings by David Shepherd
The paintings span a large range of David's work, some are over 50 years old and several have been painted within the last 10 years.
Although he is well known for his wildlife paintings, it can be seen that
David was able to capture so well the character and atmosphere of landscapes and street scenes in his paintings.
In his early years, David Shepherd would spend many hours painting in and around London
We can see several of his works here.. 'Brompton Square' and 'Shepherd Street, Mayfair'
These have a deep richness of colour and recreate beautifully the character of the streets and the atmosphere at that particular time.
The landscapes were painted in Surrey and Sussex, and there is one rather rare painting of the steep hill in Lincoln.
'Kynance Cove' in Cornwall was David's 5th print to be published and disributed by Boots.
The 'Elephants and Lion' painting was commissioned by a collector working in Tansania, it was an actual scene that he remembers well.
Having begun his painting career by chance in Africa, he was initially disappointed to be told he was not required to be a game warden in Kenya.
He managed to save up enough money by selling his paintings to tourists to return to England on a steamship and pursue what was to become his life career.
Initially he was flown across the middle east and Africa by the Royal Air Force, and painted many commissions of aircraft and the surrounding environment.
His main 'break' came when he began painting th African wildlife that he loved so much.
His first oil painting of an elephant 'Wise Old Elephant' was published, and was such a success that it sold more prints than any other print in the world.!
From then on he produced many paintings of the great wildlife of Africa and India and became known as one of, the finest wildlife artists in the world.
His paintings have always been highly revered and the investment value can show a substantial increase.
We are very pleased and proud to be able to offer such a fine selction of David's paintings for sale.
We specialize in signed prints and original paintings and drawings by the world acclaimed artist L.S.Lowry.
The demand for his work has now reached record highs, and due to the relatively few signed limited edition prints available,
they are proving to be an excellent investment, much greater than any current banking investments.
A watercolourist, whose work needs little introduction in the world of art is Sir William Russell Flint.
We stock hundreds of this artist's signed limited edition prints and always a fine selection of his original watercolour paintings.
Throughout his life Sir William Russell Flint has spent many years painting beautiful watercolour images of scenes in France,
and offers complete tranquility and relaxation.
There are also a number of signed limited edition prints of paintings from Britanny, The Loire, Ardeche, Provence.
We have for sale several original paintings from the south west France, near to the beautiful towns of Brantome and Perigueux and also Languedoc
His work has now become regarded as some of the finest watercolour paintings in the world.
© S & W signed, limited edition print publishers © David Shepherd prints
If you would like to visit the studio in Nottinghamshire, (Saturdays and Sundays are fine too) Please call 01623 799 309
We have a collection of over 500 David Shepherd signed limited edition prints and original paintings for sale.
Studio open 7 days a week!
Viewing by appointment
Original paintings sold from various sources

Tiger's Head
Original Painting
England 01623 799 309
Back to David Shepherd prints for sale
Original Oil Painting

Elephant and Lion
Original Painting

Original drawing
Pen and Ink

Hippos II

The Ivory is Theirs
Original remarqued drawing



Elephant (original)

Elephant drawing


The Baobab Tree
Original Painting


Kynance Cove, Cornwall 1956